



The 特殊教育 department works collaboratively with school and district leaders, 老师, 学生, and families to provide the tools, 指导, 支持, and services needed to ensure access and success for 学生 with disabilities.


A referral is the first step toward receiving special education services. A referral is a written request for evaluation, explaining why the student might need special education services. Evaluation determines if a student is eligible for special education services, 以及这些服务可能是什么. Read more about referral and evaluation.


Special education services are the 支持, 设置, and instruction provided to an individual student, supplementing general education curriculums and 设置. Read more about services and accommodations.

IEP (Individualized Education Program)

The IEP is a document that comprehensively describes the special education services an individual student receives. The format of an IEP is standardized, but the details are specific to each student. Each student’s IEP is developed by their IEP team. Services must align with the student’s established needs. 阅读更多关于IEP的信息.

桥梁 Transition Services (ages 16-21)

Transition is the ongoing process that helps your student successfully move from the K-12 school system to adult life. 转型计划需要一个团队. It is an ongoing and step-by-step process that uses information about your student to create goals for life after high school and a path to reach those goals. Read more about 桥梁 transition services.

Family Involvement and 资源

资源 for families of 学生 who receive special education services. 寻找特殊教育资源.


Each family receiving a diagnosis for their child will have their own unique experience, 感情, 和观点. Below is a letter written by a 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 Parent, reflecting their personal journey:

Like you, I am a parent of a child with a disability. His specific diagnosis is unimportant here; what matters is that we are sharing an experience with a complex emotional landscape. One that changes the course of our lives, touches our hearts, and colors all of our relationships.

A diagnosis rarely happens in a moment. It unfolds slowly – as small observations, 直观的视角, and comments from others (often unsolicited) start to coalesce into a picture. A picture that disrupts and demands more that we may feel we can give. 然后是短的, sharp days when everything we know but hold at arms length is summarized in a diagnosis, 一个评估, 甚至是一封随机的电子邮件. Spelled out in black and white, it suddenly has a weight and significance we are rarely ready for.

At no time in our lives are we more in need of a village to help raise our child. And yet for most of us, one of the first 感情 is a profound sense of being alone. 幸运的是,你不是. In 正规的棋牌平台排行榜, more that 7,000 families are traveling a similar path. 多于1,000 District 特殊教育 Teachers, Paraeducators, and related staff choose to come to work each day to support 学生 with disabilities.

Building your child’s village is not easy. It requires engagement when retreat is easier. It demands whole-heartedness when your heart feels broken. It needs trust when you feel betrayed by the universe. This is hard work but the benefits, I believe, far outweigh the effort.

Find a community of parents who understand and support you. Align yourself with people who help you feel healthy, hopeful, and empowered. Make space both for grief and for celebration.

Discover the ordinary in your extraordinary experience. Through repetition, these acts restore our resilience. They bolster our capacity to care for our children, our partners, our communities, and ourselves. They transform hope from a threat to a companion.

We parents form a curious sort of family, thrown together by fate. We are passionate, constantly adapting and growing with our experiences. Together we have strength and wisdom. 我欢迎你们所有人成为合作伙伴, ready to transform the world into a more human, 灵活的, and dignified place for all of our children.

– Parent of a high school freshman in 正规的棋牌平台排行榜